Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A pair of MegaPuss KittyCats

Yesterday I decided to birth my passion-eyed Domino Megapuss which was the offspring of my CupidCats.
I think the other KittyCats were as excited as I was to welcome the new kitty.... which is probably my imagination coz they are virtual cats, but who knows.

As you can see, Getrut the Forget Me Not kitty is blowing love bubbles at the Megapuss as we waited for him to birth.

Newborn Soy Soy with his babysitters.

Then today while I was browsing the Kitty market on Vygg sim, I happen upon a similar Megapuss with fire eyes and she was only 500L which is very cheap for a Megapuss and I only hesitated for a minute before I snapped her up.

Can you see Soy Soy infront of the Megapuss? He's still just a small black dot.

So now I have 3 live Megapuss.

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