Sometimes, I find myself quite at a lost in SL, when building houses or going to music venues is no longer satisfying. It's not that I no longer like building, just that I haven't been inspired much.
When my friend asked me to join them in Gor, I was apprehensive because of my negative perception of it's origin. The truth is, you make your own story and you should not allow yourself to agree to do anything you don't want. Walk away if you don't like what you see or what they want you to do. You really do have a choice. Respect each other's limitations.The tavern pictured above was practically my roleplay character, ChibiMoon's second home.
She would hang around in the tavern to meet people. Or just read a book.
I did catch a big Tuna at a fishing tournament, but it wasn't big enough to win a prize. That fish was bigger than Chibi! And yes, that is an almost naked man's butt peaking out from the bench LMAO!
The Jian dogs guarding the Kalana tree. It's fruits Chibi uses to make cakes. The G&S system feels like I am playing sims4 except I get to interact with people in SL.
The cakes! And tea, of course. Those are really pretty looking cakes, except if you eat them, they are gone forever because they are use to increase the energy on the G&S hud.
After a month or so, I was introduced to the G&S system. It was fishing!
And today, the chickens came. Eggs and poultry.
Chibi's brother and sister-in-law are bad-ass pirates, but I have a feeling, she is just a homely farmgirl!