Yesterday I went on a hair spree at the Hair Fair. There were so many choices, it was really hard to keep a tight hold on my budget. I also had to remind myself that there is a bigger purpose to this event than just shopping.
Here are some of the hairs I had bought. This is just the first part because I am strapped for time and can't add more.
hair: [kik]hair-Tasha(Black)
hair: ISON - Bee (darks 03)
hair: *ARGRACE* Cowboy Hat / MINAMI - Blacks
hair: Eaters Coma - HAIR 52 / NOIR
other things Moon is wearing:
skin: New Faces Mei Ying
eyes: Poetic Colors
mesh body: WoWMeh
hand and feet: Slink
denim dress: FOREVER SUMMER