I was very inspired to do a mix n match with the group gift tartan bloomers from LavandaChic. It reminded me of rock, punk and everything that is chaotic and yet whole. Not sure if you understand, but it feels like everything around you is going to heck and there's nothing you can do but just go with the flow and make the best of what you have.
Which is just what Carter is about. I don't spent much on her and when I do, it's usually bargains and freebies and groupgifts.
hair: !lamb. Stay Don't Go (Mesh) - Grayscale Pack @ collarbor88
skin: :[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Astrea ] - [ 60's chic Fairy TDR] @ TDRF
eyeshadow: [LeLutka]-GIFT makeups(old item)
eyes: Mayfly - Liquid Light Eyes (Bronze) 60L this weekend
top+jacket: part of [LG] Boutique-[ FALL-13] Moves LIke Jagger 1 Hud
bloomers: LavandaChic*Tartan Balloon Shorts*Gift Group Nov#2
jewelleries: *MM* (old item)
bag: Loordes of London-Chennai Handbag-Noir
pose: Purple Poses
Here is a close-up of the skin in blonde brow. Carter is not wearing her usual shape. I edited her face to suit this skin. She is also wearing the latest freebie hair from Analog Dog.
Have a good weekend!