Monday, June 16, 2014

Flexi skirts Hello Tuesday June17

I'm putting my latest dresses up for Hello Tuesday. I am so excited about these flexi skirts, Moon hasn't stopped dancing.... in her skybox:)

on Moon: {FS}Petite Red Florettes Partial Mesh 2Piece 50% 90L
on Carter: {FS} Red Roses Polkadot Gray Strapless Partial Mesh dress 50L

The Petite Red Florettes Dress comes in seperate mesh top and mesh bottom and it is possible for avatars with different sizes for their bust and bottoms to fit perfectly into this dress. The Red Roses Polkadot Gray Dress comes in 1 piece. I am still searching for mesh tops so I could make more of the 2 pieces.

Demos are also available, so please try them to be sure.