Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wintry travels

I didn't want to miss the opportunity of exploring the winter season sims so yesterday I went sim hopping.

First, I went to the Winter Ice Rock Fest 2014 which I found from the SecondLife Destination Guide.

There were a lot of things to do there. I rode the skylift.
I hopped to a few more sims but none was as pretty.

This picture was taken in South Farthing, part of the Calas Galadhon sim. These sims are always picture perfect.

When I got home, I found that my KittyCat had given birth!
She looked just like her mom but is a toy-size. I haven't birthed her yet because I want to find her a toy-sized partner first.

The next day, I continued the winter tour from my snow parcel.

At first I thought I'd ride the horse, then a tour pod drove by and I quickly jumped off the horse and climbed aboard the pod. What better way to view the landscape and take pictures. The downside was slow rezzing and I couldn't set the graphic card to high and there was no point taking pictures. Just enjoy the ride!

I think I travelled through 5 sims without crashing and that in itself is amazing. You can start your tour at the pod station.
I went home after the pod ended it's journey at the station.

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